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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yao, Ling, and Chien Po

These are the comic-relief characters of the movie. They are in training camp with Mulan, and become good friends after trying to beat each other up. I could be mistaken, but I think Chien Po is the ONLY one of these three who is voiced by a real Asian American actor.

He is also extremely huge, and always speaks in fortune-like statements.

As a side note, Fortune cookies were created in San Francisco, thus, they are Asian American, or actually, an America product. Why, then, are they always associated with Asian movies or people? I mean, I never ONCE saw a fortune cookie while I was in Taiwan, so why do people associate them with Asian people? Think about it, it's an American thing, really, it is, people should associate fortune cookies with all Americans, no? It's a deep stereotype, but if you give it enough thought, you'll see what I'm trying to say.

As for Yao and Ling, one is short and fat, and sounds like Wolfman Jack, and the other is tall and skinny, and always has a big smile.

I did mention that these were comic relief characters, but they were NOT my favorite characters of the movie. In the McDonalds set they are all molded together, with Yao tied on to a string that when it is pulled, it makes Chien Po run, with Ling sitting on his head.

I don't think I saw them do this in the movie.

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