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Thursday, March 26, 2009

LEGO's Ninja System

Check out the pictures! I grabbed them from (I hope they don't mind) But these are such COOL pieces.

In case you were wondering, the catalog numbers refer to the available sets, which include the two that are depcited in the image, as well as a Ninja's Stronghold, Ninja's Hideout, Shogun's Bridge, and Shogun's Fortress. Ok, so here's my take on LEGO's sudden affinity for Japanese Feudal History. Through some minimal research, (ie: browsing the LEGO aisle for other SYSTEM sets) I have found a much more diverse representation in their people.

First of all, LEGO people are yellow, so I always thought they were Asian anyway, but I was wrong. Oh, I'm sidetracking again, I digress. If you remember the old school LEGO's, all the people looked the same. Sure they had different hair styles and colors, but they all had those round black eyes and smilely mouths.
Well, now there are hundreds of facial expressions and clothing styles and stuff.

There's even a Western System that has Native Americans! So I believe LEGO is really beginning to concentrate on diversity and multiculturalism, and they're doing it with the two groups that typcially get left out of these types of initiatives! I mean, it's very east to note that the majority of "Race Issues" are in terms of Black and White, and Latinos are increasingly becoming a part of those debates, but why is it that Asian Americans and Native Americans are left out so easily? Could it be that one represents a group of people who are disappearing and most people don't care about them, and the other group of people are rapidly increasing with both numbers and power, and most people would like to see them disappear as well? I know I'm being super vague here, but it's something to think about, but not while building these way-cool LEGO's!!!

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