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Saturday, March 28, 2009

M.A.S.K. Bruce Sato

Bruce Sato comes from Japan. In the cartoon show he had an accent, and I never thought about looking to see who voiced him, but anyway, he was Matt Trakker's (the main character) right hand man.

He came packaged three different ways: in the Rescue Mission Adventure Pack with a flying helicopter backpack, in a two pack with Brad Turner, and in the Rhino truck with Matt Trakker. The Rhino was a semi cab that turned into a huge tank-like behemoth of a machine. As with all of the M.A.S.K. figures, the facial details were almost non-existent.

But I do remember that Bruce had black hair (another stereotype, errr, oh wait, that's a reality, sorry 'bout that) and some molding in the face that led me to believe that he was Japanese, but there were no painted features, so he could have been from any country. 8-)

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