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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wai - Lin

Here it is, the first American Michelle Yeoh action figure! Actually, I was a little disappointed with this figure. She is a 9" doll, with plastic-leather (or as a trendy friend of mine calls it, pleather) jump suit on, and a base stand that does absolutely NOTHING to help her stand up on her tiny little high heels.

I don't remember seeing Wai Lin kick butt with high heels on in the movie though, but maybe I was concentrating on something else. Anyway, the one good thing about this figure is that the head sculpt looks a LOT like Michelle Yeoh in the movie.

I don't know how they did it, but I knew exactly who it was supposed to be when I found the beat-up box in Toys R Us.

I know that the extra hair on her head is a separate mold, because I actually saw one figure that was BALD! Her extra hair piece had fallen off! It was rather hilarious, but this is a good figure to keep in the box, if you can find a box that looks decent enough. If you hadn't already figured out, I don't keep too many figures in their package, but this is an exception, mainly because she can't stand on her own two feet!

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