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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hua Mulan

She is, of course, the main character. Fa is her family name in Cantonese (Hua is its Mandarin form), just in case you weren't aware that surnames are deemed more important than individual names in many Asian countries, and are placed first. She is voiced by Ming Na Wen, who was in the Single Guy. But anyway, the main problem in all of the Mulan figures I have is that her eyes slant downward.

I discuss this phenomenon in great detail in the TV/Cartoons section, but basically, a common feature among Asian American action figures is that the eyes are slanty, and are point downward towards the nose. I've never met an Asian person who had eyes like this.

I don't doubt that there may be people who look like this, which is a testimony to how diverse and different Asian people are amongst themselves, refuting the stereotypical notion that "all Asians look alike." But anyway, Mulan comes in either her military uniform, usually with cool armor that snaps on and off, or her "matchmaking" dress, where she is all dressed and made up in order to find a husband, or in her primping outfit which is what she wears just before she gets all dressed up.

Her McDonalds toy has both her armor, which is in one piece as opposed to separate upper and lower halves and separate helmet, and a piece of cloth that attaches around her waist when you remove her armor.

Her Disney figures often come with Mu Shu (the dragon that is voiced by Eddie Murphy), weight lifting stones, and a sword.

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