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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Police Academy Flung Hi with crazy Karate gear

As I was just mentioning in the above introductory statement, my Flung Hi figure is all played out. I believe he had some sort of "crazy karate action" because his right arm and leg are super loose compared to his left limbs, but alas, he can barely stand anymore.

At least someone enjoyed playing with this figure. As for the "crazy karate gear," I have NO idea what that was all about. In fact, I can't even tell if this is a "good guy" or "bad guy." He has a fu-manchu beard, and a pony tail on his head. He also has some sort of ear muffs on. This figure really confuses me. And another thing, what kind of name is "Flung Hi?!"
Those names must be from the Tang dynasty, which also saw names like Flung Lo, and Fling Flung, and Spring Fling. I tell 'ya, we REALLY need to stop using stereotypical names to describe Asians.

In every culture, and in every name, there is meaning behind the names. My surname, for instance, means "one who proclaims." Chen used to be the most populous Asian name in the whole world, but now it is 4th or 5th. I am very proud of my name, and it offends me when people who do not understand the meanings behind Asian names make fun of them so easily. Even Western names have meaning.

My first name, Peter, means "rock." It is Biblical, standing for the strong foundation that Christianity brings to those who have faith. I am very proud of this name too. My middle name is another name for the toilet, John.

Actually, I'm kidding, it has another Biblical meaning, but I think you get the point. Names are very important in any culture, so lets be more sensitive about them, all right?

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