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Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Adventures of Gumby and friends Ninja Playset

This box set comes with Gumby in a "karate" outfit (despite the fact that it is called a NINJA Playset?!), a Block Head with a sai (small dagger-like weapon), a little fold-out training temple (like the ones we all have in our backyards, right?), a screen with the Mandarin character that means "prosperity," and a golden statue that resembles Buddha.

Oh, and it comes with a computer disk that has pictures you can color on it. So what, you may ask, is this doing in my collection? I figured I could use the temple, statue, and screen with some of my other action figures, but alas, they were too small.

It was no big loss though, I only paid like $1.25 for it, its MSRP is $12.99.

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