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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Captain Planet and the Planeteers 1994 Tiger Toys

Gi is the Chinese, or Asian, representative who controls the power of water. This particular figure I found in a now defunct K-Mart on the west side of Indianapolis. It was on the clearance rack, so I got it real cheap, but the important thing here is that I decided to begin collecting Asian American Action Figures with the purchase of this figure, thus changing my life forever (yeah, forcing me to form an addiction to going into toy stores and departments every chance I get!). Her hair is short and her eyes are just a little slanted inwards. This figures posture is amazing.

I say that because it is almost unnatural. I think this is the case because she comes with a huge backpack that sticks into a hole in her back that runs a tube through to her right hand and comes out of a ring that is on her figure. Basically, she squirts water.

It doesn't work too well, but hey, we all know she controls water, so she doesn't have to prove it all the time! 8-) The file card on the back of the card says that Gi is "an athlete whose favorite sport is surfing, she is very smart and started college at the age of 14 in marine biology." True, this is a stereotype of sorts, but hey, it's a good stereotype, and it's not like they said "she, like ALL Asians, started college at age 14 and etc..." so I'm not criticizing it too much. 8-)

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