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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Joker Unveiled

This being April Fools', I tend to regard every news I come across with a bit of caution and skepticism. But since this has already made its way onto Hot Toys' very own website, I think it's safe to say that this is the real deal.

Funny, however, how Hot Toys have chosen to announce this April Fools'. A fitting salute to those who bought the original Joker figure perhaps?

Anyhow, as speculated by many (myself included), MMS DX Joker will indeed feature a re-released version of the original Joker figure with the movie-accurate head sculpt as well as the "Police Officer" version. As the photos will attest and as is the case with recent Hot Toys releases, this new and improved Joker looks absolutely breath-taking.

Comes with loads of accessories of course, such as the M1 Garland Rifle, grenades, knives, belts and cards. But more interestingly, it also features something Hot Toys calls Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS). What this really means is adjustable eyeballs so that the figures look more life-like.

Enterbay, I recall, has something similar. There's a thought.

MMS DX Joker is set for a Q2-Q3 release and interested folks should keep a lookout for pre-order solicitations. Expect to fork out more than the usual S$230 for this beauty.


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