(image copyright Yeondoo Jung)
Always a bit behind in the art world (and maybe life in general), I only recently discovered the works of photoartist Yeondoo Jung of Korea. Perhaps his most famous exhibition is called "Wonderland" where he recreates children's drawings into real life photos. They are so lovely, so refreshing. I can't help but smile.
It's like looking at life through the innocence, whimsy, and fantasy of a child's eyes.
Another series I enjoy is called "Bewitched", which has a beautiful and slightly haunting feel to it. It's a glimpse into the "what if" of doing something you dream about but for some reason you can't do it.
I was briefly in contact with Jung and had tentative plans for an interview, but to this date it hasn't been finalized.
If the interview happens in the future I'll be sure to share it with you. Until then, please visit his website for the most current information.