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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

DX Joker

Funny, however, how Hot Toys have chosen to announce this April Fools'. A fitting salute to those who bought the original Joker figure perhaps?

Anyhow, as speculated by many (myself included), MMS DX Joker will indeed feature a re-released version of the original Joker figure with the movie-accurate head sculpt as well as the "Police Officer" version.

As the photos will attest and as is the case with recent Hot Toys releases, this new and improved Joker looks absolutely breath-taking.

Comes with loads of accessories of course, such as the M1 Garland Rifle, grenades, knives, belts and cards. But more interestingly, it also features something Hot Toys calls Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS).

What this really means is adjustable eyeballs so that the figures look more life-like.

Enterbay, I recall, has something similar.

There's a thought.

Spawn Resin

McFarlane Toys foray into high-end collectibles continues with their second 8"-scale resin statue,

The Beginning, based on one of the original pieces of promo artwork for Spawn.

It will be limited to 1,500 pieces total.

Guitar Hero

If you scan the photo you'll notice quite a few guitars, what look like super-deformed mini figures that may be the smaller figures mentioned in last week's product announcement and the most interesting item, Slash.

Since one of the figures in the lineups was listed as TBA speculation could mean that this Slash figure may slot into that lineup,

however this may not be the case and it could also be an individual release.

Dowload Naruto Wallpaper

Collection of the Naruto Wallpapers
that you can find anywhere on net.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Hinamatsuri

Hinamatsuri, or Girls Day or Festival of Dolls. This holiday is celebrated in Japan on the third day of the third month (Boys Day falls on the fifth day of the fifth month). Its roots are placed back to the ancient custom called hina-nagashi, or Doll Floating where people would float dolls down the river to carry away the bad spirits.

I love paper, so I made paper versions of the doll display for each of the girls to keep.

Happy Hinamasturi!

Today, families display their heirloom dolls depicting the royal Heian court on a special red lacquered tiered platform, starting with the Emperor and Empress on the top tier shelf and going down to the various ladies in waiting, musicians, samurai on the following tiers.

Little girls celebrate Hinamatsuri by having a party of delicious Japanese treats and drink and "offering" it to the dolls. Japanese bakeries will offer special Hinamatsuri treats during this time, like special manju and cakes (with a lot of pink!).

On Saturday, one of my daughter's former preschool friends hosted a Girls Day celebration at her house. Her mom and grandmother prepared a delicious spread of pastel-colorfed manju (sweet rice cakes), sushi, miso soup, and other Japanese yummies. I made nigiri, rice balls in heart, bear, and star shapes seasoned with sesame seeds and nori.

For dessert was the super cute Girls Day cake topped with candy versions of the Emperor and Empress.

One of the girls' mother shared her tiny Hina Doll set, a miniature version of the top tier with the Emperor (left) and Empress (Right). Super cute!

Yeondoo Jung

(image copyright Yeondoo Jung)
Always a bit behind in the art world (and maybe life in general), I only recently discovered the works of photoartist Yeondoo Jung of Korea. Perhaps his most famous exhibition is called "Wonderland" where he recreates children's drawings into real life photos. They are so lovely, so refreshing. I can't help but smile.

It's like looking at life through the innocence, whimsy, and fantasy of a child's eyes.

Another series I enjoy is called "Bewitched", which has a beautiful and slightly haunting feel to it. It's a glimpse into the "what if" of doing something you dream about but for some reason you can't do it.

I was briefly in contact with Jung and had tentative plans for an interview, but to this date it hasn't been finalized.

If the interview happens in the future I'll be sure to share it with you. Until then, please visit his website for the most current information.


For those of you who don't know TOKIDOKI, shame on you. Just kidding. I have to say once I discovered Tokidoki several years ago, I've become fixated. The history of Tokidoki is sweet and inspiring to those of us who are crafty in our own right, who love simple and pure forms of art, and who appreciate those who are like-minded in the pursuit of all things creatively cute.

Tokidoki means "sometimes" in Japanese. The creator, Simone Legno, chose this word because he loves Japan. He loves everything from the ultra modern happy face of Shibuya to the serious magical silence of Kyoto. He chose "sometimes," because everyone waits for moments that change one's destiny. By simple chance or meeting a new person, Tokidoki is the hope, the hidden energy everyone has inside that gives us the strength to face a new day and dream something positive, that something magical will happen to us.

Tokidoki started as a personal website for Simone a few years ago, a diary and place to display his art and soul. Since launching Tokidoki, Simone has been touched by the kindness of thousands who have expressed their love for his unique interpretation of the world.